ProInsight_A (1)

Challenge Timeline:
◦  Starts Feb 19th 2025 thru March 31st 2025

◦  Are you outperforming offset operators nearby in all well phases (drilling primarily)
Rules of Play:
◦  Minimum 2 week access to 1 of your active rig(s) sensor data (via EDR provider)
◦  AKM team to compare results against similar type  offset peers wells nearby in our ProINSIGHT platform and report results back to you on how many metrics you outperforming vs. underperforming.
◦  AKM team to also share results on max 1 underperforming metric in any well phase and why?
◦  E&P company only and/or its employee
◦  You are primarily drilling in Permian, North Dakota, Eagle ford and Appalachian, Basin
◦  If no offset peer data nearby you will be informed.
Prize/Reward Structure:
◦  $25K  awarded and wired to the charity of your choice in your name and special recognition of the individual and winning E&P company In all AKM marketing media.

◦  Live event on Linkedin or zoom/teams call to reveal the winners.


World's First Market Intelligence Platform

Helping E&P operators benchmark performance against nearby operators using sensor data to drive significant reductions in Capex and Opex

Read the case study by Noble Energy on the value they realized from ProINSIGHT to sell to Chevron for over $3bn


ProACT helps E&P operators streamline Well Planning, Daily Operations, Post-Well Analysis, and Reporting in one platform to boost on and off bottom efficiencies.

Group 250

ProWISE allows you to seamlessly capture and record human-generated data (observational data) on a “Well Wall” to improve accuracy of AI predictions in the future.

Group 1159

ProMARKET simplifies access to any specialized third-party planning, operations, and reporting applications (Desktop/Cloud).

Got Questions? Let’s Talk!

Learn more about how we simplify workflows during well construction for top 2% of the E&P operators in the US. For more information and general concerns about our data analytics software, send us an email.